There are literally hundreds of thousands of products available for you to consider selling with Amazon FBA. If you don’t know the best methods to find the best product ideas, then the process of product research is going to be incredibly frustrating indeed. If you’ve just begun your Amazon selling journey and you’re always puzzled as to how people seem to be able to find lots of product ideas to sell, then fear not because I’m going to be revealing in this article the top methods that I use to find products to sell on Amazon, one of which I used to find a product that generated me £50k in just 2 months.
Use Helium 10
In order to be able to perform your FBA research as effectively and efficiently as possible, you’re going to need to download Helium 10’s extension and then register an account with them.

Getting the Chrome extension is an essential step to take, as it’s going to be the tool that you use to tell you how much demand there is for any product that you come across. Every single product that you are seriously considering to sell using Amazon FBA needs to have existing demand. Otherwise, it’ll just end up sitting on the shelves gathering dust and costing you money. You can also use the tool to help you calculate how much profit a product is likely to make you, as well as understand improvements that you can make, so it’s well worth getting.
Assuming you’ve registered an account with Helium 10, you’re now ready to start discovering products worth selling on Amazon with one of my favorite research methods.
The first research method that I frequently use is using a tool from Helium 10 called Black Box. Black Box works a bit like Google in that it searches all of Amazon based on criteria that you set and then shows you hundreds of product ideas that meet this criteria. In order to access it, head to Helium10.com, login to your account, and then select Black Box from the drop down menu. You’ll then be presented with all of the filters that you can change according to your own desires.
In the example below, we selected the baby category and then asked for it to only show us products priced at $20 or more that are generating the seller at least $20,000 in revenues per month. There are plenty of other filters that you can also use, and the secret to finding winning products with this research method is to test them all out with different combinations.Once you hit search, you’ll be presented with a list of product ideas, with key information such as the selling price, the amount of sales per month, and the number of reviews shown. If you like the look of an idea, you can simply click the button to load it up on Amazon, run your Helium 10 Chrome Extension, and take a look at how much the entire niche is making and whether those numbers will allow you to hit your earnings goals.

While Blackbox is one of my favorite tools to use to find new product ideas, it is pretty popular with people new to Amazon, so make sure you get creative with the filters that you use and make use of the ‘Keywords’ tab, which will show you niche being searched for by customers, as opposed to actual products been bought. This tab is relatively underused, so you’re much more likely to come across a gem that others haven’t yet discovered if you can use this feature too.

Amazon sorts every single product on its website into hundreds of categories and sub-categories lists, with the position of each product in the list, determined by the amount of sales that it’s making relative to its competitors. Few people realize this, but it’s possible to view ever single category and sub-category best seller list on Amazon, either on your computer or your phone. All you need to do is head to Amazon, click ‘Best sellers’ at the top of the page, and then start drilling down into the categories and sub-categories that interest you the most.
The great thing about this method is that it allows you to discover new product ideas while you’re on the move as you can do it on your phone. Because the results are shown in order of sales, you’ll have a pretty good idea of which products have high levels of demand to be worth considering further.
There are literally hundreds of sub-categories and sub-sub-categories that you can browse through, so my advice is to start with one category and then start digging until you discover a niche that you like the look of. Then, once you find something of interest, search for the niche on A, run your Helium 10 tool, and check whether there’s sufficient demand across the niche for it to be worth your while selling in.
Ask somebody else…
One of my favorite methods to find product ideas to sell involves getting somebody else to do the hard work for you by asking them for the best products. This method is one that I used earlier this year, and because very few people even think to follow these steps, I was able to source and launch a product before anybody else had even gotten wind it was coming out, and that allowed me to generate just over £50k in its second month of selling.
Who is this mystery person? It’s a supplier!
Suppliers will typically manufacture hundreds of different products, and in order to showcase the products that they sell, they put together catalogues that are only available on request. To help improve their own revenues, they’ll constantly be releasing new products to the market, which you can find out about by asking them.

To get the most of out of this method, all you need to do is to think of any product that you already have an interest in selling, head to Alibaba, search for the product, and then message at least 5 suppliers and ask them what other products they sell, what their best sellers are, and most importantly of all, what new products they have coming out. Doing this will immediately give you key information to help you find a product to sell, and perhaps like in my case, a product that you can start selling before anybody else has discovered it. Just remember to verify that demand exists for the product niche that you’re considering by heading to Amazon, typing in the product, and then running the Helium 10 tool.
Those are my favorite research methods to use when searching for products to sell with Amazon FBA. If you’re new to the product research phase, then make sure that you rotate between these and any others that you can find, so that you’re given new ideas to consider and that you reduce the chances of you getting bored and giving up. If you don’t have Helium 10 already, here’s a discount link to help you on your journey.
For more tips on finding profitable products you can sell with Amazon FBA, read my post on the best tips when doing product research.
If you want to learn how you can create an Amazon FBA business yourself, then check out my free training where I’ll teach you everything you need to launch your first product on Amazon and scale to $5,000+ in monthly profit.
Or if you’re ready to begin your journey and want to start with the best chances of success, apply to become a member of HonestFBA’s training programme where you’ll receive guidance & support from our team of 7-figure Amazon FBA seller experts whenever you need it.